Development process: Permits required in Ireland

Consent, license or permit​Responsible organisation​Scope​Requirements for developers ​
Maritime Area Consent (MAC)​Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA)​Grants consent to use and occupy a part of the maritime area for the proposed use​Consistency with NMPF and relevant DMAP​

“Fit and Proper Person” – i.e. financial and technical capability​
Planning Consent​An Bord Pleanála​Development and environmental consent to construct and operate the wind farm​A MAC is a pre-requisite​


Natura Impact Statement​
Survey & Site Investigation Licence​MARA​Authorisation to carry out marine and environmental surveys and site investigations within a defined area.​Scope of works report​

Appropriate Assessment Screening Report​

Impact assessment on protected species.​
Authorisation to Construct a Generation Station​Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU)​Authorisation to construct a generation station as required under Section 16 of the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999​Application Form​

Financial Information – ORESS offer or details of other route to market​

Planning Consent​

Proof of Connection Agreement​
Licence to Generate​CRU​Licence to generate electricity required under Section 14 of the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999​Authorisation to construct pursuant to Section 16 of the 1999 Act​

Confirmation all information submitted as part of the Section 16 application remains valid​

Technical details of the experience of the person or company which will operate the generating station​