
The installation of the offshore substation consists of the transfer of the substation from its quayside fabrication site and the installation on the foundation.

Who is involved

Offshore substation installation services often form part of the substation supply contract and are conducted by specialist suppliers contracted by the developer, in instances where the developer is responsible for building and operating the offshore substation.

Key facts

Offshore substation installation is a heavy lift operation (minimum of 2,000 tonnes) requiring vessels with sufficient crane capacity. Vessels with the necessary lift capacity typically do not have the deck space to accommodate a substation platform. The substation is therefore floated out of its fabrication facility on a barge, usually directly to the wind farm site.

The substation foundation, which is installed prior to the topside structure, may be a monopile or a jacket and the installation may form part of the turbine foundation installation package.

Notable differences for floating

The installation process for floating offshore substations will be similar to the process for installing floating substructures for floating offshore wind turbines.

Some floating offshore wind projects may opt to use fixed bottom substations.