Job landscape: Opportunity areas

Here you’ll find examples of job opportunities for offshore wind in Ireland separated into supply chain categories. You can filter these down so they are more relevant to you by using our Job landscape or Career quiz.

Development and consenting services

Development and consenting covers the work needed to secure consent and manage the development process through to financial close. Read more

Relevant careers
Bid Manager Commercial Analyst Community Liaison Officer Grid Package Manager Project Manager Offshore Consents Manager

Environmental surveys

A full suite of environmental surveys of the offshore wind farm location and its surroundings is undertaken to determine the environmental impacts. These surveys establish the baseline for the assessment and allow impact modelling to be undertaken to determine the affect the wind farm may have on the surrounding environment. Read more

Relevant careers
Data Analyst GIS Technician Harbour Pilot Marine Ecologist Offshore EIA Manager Ornithologist

Resource and metocean assessment

Resource and metocean assessments provide atmospheric and oceanographic datasets to inform the engineering design of an offshore wind farm, the potential future energy production, and to fully describe the likely installation and operating conditions at the proposed offshore wind farm location. Read more

Relevant careers
Able Seafarer GIS Technician Harbour Pilot Hydrographer Master Mariner Offshore EIA Manager Resources Analyst​

Geological and hydrological surveys

Seabed surveys analyse the seabed environment of the proposed offshore wind farm site and export cable route to assess its geological condition and engineering characteristics. The data collected is utilised in a wide range of engineering and environmental studies through the design and development phase. Read more

Relevant careers
Able Seafarer Geophysicist Geotechnical Engineer GIS Technician Hydrographer Offshore EIA Manager​

Engineering and consultancy

Front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies address areas of wind farm system design and develop the concept of the wind farm in advance of procurement, contracting and construction. Read more

Relevant careers
Civil Engineer Structural Engineer Electrical Engineer Geotechnical Engineer Mechanical Engineer Marine Engineer Naval Architect

Project management

This involves the management of various activities as part of wind farm development. This includes managing the collection and interpretation of surveys, submission of planning consents and any design work, and managing the construction of the project through to COD. Read more

Relevant careers
Bid Manager Commercial Analyst Community Liaison Officer Construction Project Manager Offshore Consents Manager Procurement Manager Project Manager Supply Chain Manager

Onshore substation manufacture

The onshore substation transforms power to grid voltage, for example up to 400 kV. Where a HVDC export cable is used, the substation converts the power to three-phase AC. It also provides switchgear to protect the grid from the wind farm, and vice versa, for fault conditions. Read more

Relevant careers
Cable Jointer Civil Engineer Construction Project Manager Electrical Engineer Electrical Technician Mechanical Technician Site Manager Structural Engineer Welder

Construction port

The construction port is the base for pre-assembly and construction of the wind farm. Separate locations may be used for feeding foundations and the wind turbines to a wind farm. Location is critical as it affects the time spent in shipment and sensitivity to weather windows. Read more

Relevant careers
Civil Engineer Construction Project Manager Crane Operator Electrical Technician Health and Safety Coordinator Mechanical Technician Offshore Logistics Manager Port Operative Site Manager

Offshore vessels and logistics

Offshore vessels are used to access offshore infrastructure, and offshore logistics involves management and coordination of all marine based activities and operations. SOVs provide an offshore OMS base, with staff working from the vessel for periods of two to four weeks at sea. SOVs are the preferred way to maintain and service wind farms located far from shore. Read more

Relevant careers
Able Seafarer Boat Maintenance Technician Communications Network Technician Harbour Pilot Health and Safety Coordinator Marine Engineer Master Mariner Naval Architect Offshore Logistics Manager Offshore Quality Manager Port Operative Site Manager


Operations is the management of the asset such as health and safety, control and operation of the asset including wind turbines and balance of plant, remote site monitoring, environmental monitoring, electricity sales, administration, marine operations supervision, operation of vessels and quayside infrastructure, management of spares and back-office tasks. Read more

Relevant careers
Able Seafarer Boat Maintenance Technician Communications Network Technician Data Analyst Harbour Pilot Health and Safety Coordinator Instrument Control Engineer Master Mariner Offshore Logistics Manager Offshore Quality Manager Site Manager


Maintenance and service activities ensure the ongoing operational integrity of the wind turbines and associated balance of plant, including planned maintenance and unplanned service in response to faults, either proactively or reactively. Read more

Relevant careers
Able Seafarer Boat Maintenance Technician Data Analyst Electrical Technician Harbour Pilot Health and Safety Coordinator Instrument Control Engineer Master Mariner Mechanical Technician Offshore Logistics Manager Offshore Quality Manager SCADA Engineer Site Manager Wind Turbine Technician

For further information on careers in offshore wind, please visit our Work in Wind website.