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Click on a green hotspot to see more information about each offshore wind site.
Arklow Bank – phase 1
Size: 0.025 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developer: GE Energy
Completed: 2004
Arklow Bank Wind Park 2
Size: 0.8 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developer: SSE Renewables
Estimated completion: 2029
Codling Wind Park
Size: 1.3 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developers: EDF, Fred. Olsen Renewables
Estimated completion: 2028
Dublin Array
Size: 0.82 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developers: RWE, Saorgus Energy
Estimated completion: 2028 – 2030
North Irish Sea Array (NISA)
Size: 0.5 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developers: CIP, Statkraft
Estimated completion: 2028
Oriel Wind Farm
Size: 0.38 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developers: ESB, Parkwind
Estimated completion: 2028
Sceirde Rocks
Size: 0.45 GW
Technology: Fixed
Developer: Fuinneamh Sceirde Teoranta
Estimated completion: 2030
Ports are from the National Ports Study report, commissioned by Wind Energy Ireland