The construction of the onshore substation consists of the construction of the infrastructure and the installation of electrical equipment.
Who is involved
High-level coordination is typically undertaken by the developer. Construction management services are conducted by specialist suppliers contracted by the developer/TSO (similar to comment above on OSS).
Key facts
Enabling works to level the site and provide road access are completed early, to ensure that the work can begin promptly. They may also address constraining features of the site, such as the existence of overhead power lines or underground pipes. Subcontracted work may include fencing, curbing, tree cutting and the demolition of existing structures.
This work may form part of the main civil construction contract.
The civil contractor will typically work to an engineering design supplied by the main contractor. About 20-25% of the work will be subcontracted, including steelwork, flooring, fencing and sealing roads and car-parking areas, access tracks, gravel paths and hard-standing.
Local suppliers will generally be used unless there are specialist requirements, as they have valuable knowledge of local contractors and good contacts in the local authority and An Bord Planeála.
Contractors will recruit local operatives and hire local equipment if they are operating at large distances from their fleet’s base.
Electrical works and commissioning will typically be led by the main electrical supplier but substantial work is likely to be subcontracted to a high voltage electrical contractor.